
Auriculares personalizados "Heavy" - Custom headphones "Heavy"

Buenos y rockeros días! poco hay que decir de estos auriculares...salta a la vista que son para un chico al que le apasiona la música heavy, a partir de ahora podrá disfrutarla en sus auriculares personalizados que por cierto suenan de maravilla!
Good rockers morning! there is little to say about these headphones ... obvious they are for a guy who has a passion for heavy music, from now he can enjoy it in his custom headphones which, by the way, sounds great!

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2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

7 WCLΗ ( Format: Cоllеgе Raԁio Wilkes
Univeгsity's radio station plays mostly alternative rock, but Mondays have seemingly always been "Metal Mondays. Perhaps the best thing to do is keep an eye on the promotional deals and be ready to pounce quickly when a suitable one comes up. Even today, I go big game hunting and all this, and the more dangerous something is, the happier I am.

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Petdeloup dijo...

eres una artista! me encanta lo que haces con los cascos! :)